The artist whose life and work is deeply embedded in the land – and dark history – of Tasmania

"The full experience of life is here... It's almost like I'm scuba diving everywhere else, but here I've got full use of my lungs"

Blood on the wattle

The artist Yhonnie Scarce breathes new life and energy into profoundly moving glassworks that, in turn, provide a space to mourn the loss of Aboriginal lives lost during the colonisation of Australia

Michael Cook’s majority report

The photographer's psychologically charged, cinematic works propose striking alternative realities - ones that draw on Australia's dark past and, in doing so, chart a course toward a better future

Jessica Chastain: Heroine With A Cause

On International Women's Day, she of the many stringed bow talks to GRAZIA about the incredibly complex and current triumvirate of movements: the Weinstein watershed, pay parity and Hollywood’s subsequent identity crisis